Sure. They all dovetail together. Everybody has different requirements. The biggest thing we found in travelling last year was that we need to begin to assess these markets and sell them what they want, not what we have. We enjoy a nice 10-ounce or 12-ounce sirloin or a 16-ounce T-bone. That feeds a village in Japan. But how do you cut that up properly so you're not wasting what we have and still address that marketplace? This allows processing facilities to retool to specifically address those market requests, and that's exactly what's needed. We're just starting to reinforce “sell them what they want, not what we have”, which means processing jobs here and the ability to recapture some other goods. When you crush canola here, the meal stays in our livestock sector rather than what happens when we just ship the seed and so on.
There is a tremendous amount of work being done to coordinate all of that so that we end up with the biggest benefit, whether we send over raw materials to be processed there or we can process here right through to finished goods, or we Cryovac two-inch cuts for that market in Japan.