Thank you Mr. Chair. We greatly appreciate your invitation to be here.
Given that there's another group that is not here, we will try to keep you entertained for as long as we reasonably can.
My name is Dennis Prouse. I'm vice-president of government affairs. Seated with me is Dr. Steven Yarrow, who is vice-president of biotechnology.
CropLife Canada is the trade association representing the manufacturers, developers, and distributors of plant sciences innovations, including pest control products and plant biotechnology, for use in agriculture, urban, and public health settings. We're committed to protecting human health and the environment, and providing a safe, abundant food supply for Canadians. We believe in driving innovation through continuous research. CropLife Canada is a member of CropLife International, a global federation representing the plant sciences industry in 91 countries.
Our mission is to enable the plant science industry to bring the benefits of its technologies to farmers and the public. Those benefits manifest themselves in many different forms, including driving agricultural exports, job creation, strengthening the rural economy, and increased tax revenue for governments.
The increased yields that farmers get when they use crop protection and plant biotechnology products do more than improve the bottom line for farmers. They also stimulate economic activity that flows throughout the entire Canadian economy.
Crop protection products and plant biotechnology lead to quality and yield enhancements that have led to 97,000 additional full-time Canadian jobs in more than 20 different sectors. Increased crop production due to plant science technology generates $7.9 billion in value for farmers of field, fruit, and vegetable crops, and creates $385 million in tax revenue for federal, provincial, and municipal governments. Plant science technologies also enhance Canada's standing as a net exporter of food. About 65% of Canada's food surplus can be attributed to increased yields because farmers had access to our technologies.
As you can see, Mr. Chair, our members are strong free traders. We know that trade and innovation are the two key pillars of growth and prosperity in Canada, and CETA supports both of those pillars. The grower groups that are members of the GrowCanada partnership also see export growth as a key to prosperity for Canadian farmers, which is why you will see strong support for CETA amongst every major grower group in Canada.
Current agrifood exports to the European Union are $2.4 billion a year. When completely implemented, CETA will eliminate tariffs on virtually all of Canada's agriculture and food products. The Canadian Agri-Food Trade Alliance believes that CETA could increase total agrifood exports to the EU by an additional $1.5 billion per year.
Across Canada, nine out of every ten farms are dependent on exports. This represents 210,000 farms and includes a majority of farms in every province. Canada's food processing sector employs a further 290,000 Canadians. Together these industries support over $44 billion in annual exports and account for 11% of Canada's gross domestic product. The fact that Canada was able to secure such broad and meaningful access to an export market as large as the European Union is a significant achievement. The fact that we did so ahead of our major competitors is even better.
There are two key issues that we would like to bring to the attention of the committee regarding our trading relationship with Europe.
The first is the inclusion within CETA of a vehicle for cooperation on issues relating to biotechnology and trade. A biotechnology working group is tasked under the agreement to address the timelines for approvals of genetically engineered products and science-based policy and regulation. The agreement also includes new mechanisms for preventing and resolving trade challenges relating to plant health and food safety issues.
For our industry and Canadian farmers, this is an important breakthrough. I don't think we have to belabour the fact that issues around biotechnology and science-based regulation have been extremely difficult when it comes to our trading relationship with the European Union. To put it plainly, we believe that European opposition to biotech crops has been used as a non-tariff trade barrier, to the detriment of Canadian exports. The fact that the words biotechnology and science-based regulation are part of CETA is very important to our sector and will allow our respective governments to have meaningful and substantive discussions to improve regulatory impediments. Canadian farmers planted close to 29 million acres of biotech crops in 2012, and adoption continues to grow in Canada and around the world. The commitment to science-based regulation ensures that Canadian agriculture will remain competitive.
However, there are storm clouds on the horizon. The global crop protection industry has serious concerns about the European Union's regulatory framework for plant protection products, in particular the European hazard-based approach to pesticide registration articulated by regulation 1107/2009. In our view, this has the potential to be a significant non-tariff trade barrier for Canadian agriculture and agrifood products.
The approach taken by the European Union changes their pesticides registration process and moves it away from a science-based approach. The European Union approach will impact not only trade in pesticides—current and future—but also in food, feed, and seed products using these pesticides. The import tolerance specified by the European Union for these products is effectively zero, so even trace amounts could prevent the product from entering the European Union.
The use of hazard-based cut-offs, as opposed to Canada's risk-based approach, will expand to include compounds categorized as endocrine disruptors. The use of hazard-based cut-off criteria has the potential for negative and far-reaching impacts on global commerce. We believe this approach is not consistent with the World Trade Organization sanitary and phytosanitary agreement, to which the European Union is a signatory.
We have concerns about the impact of this action on Canadian farmers. Growers of cereals, oilseeds, pulses, horticulture, and many other things destined for European Union markets will potentially be prevented from using a large number of safe, effective pesticides that have been assessed by Health Canada. Growers need all the tools they have as well as future innovations to combat pest problems and to feed a growing world population. Europe's actions in this area could have negative impacts on innovation and the introduction of new technologies.
We know that our American counterparts are pushing aggressively for this issue to be dealt with in their current trade talks with the European Union. We have outlined our concerns previously to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and International Trade, and we would ask that the Government of Canada continue to be vigilant in insisting that science-based regulation be respected in our trade relationship with the European Union.
We should remind ourselves that Canadian farmers would lose 30% to 70% of their harvests without access to the latest innovations, such as genetically enhanced seeds and pesticides. Agriculture is a tremendous avenue for future Canadian trade growth and CETA provides an avenue for Canada to both grow its agricultural exports and address regulatory challenges on biotechnology and pest control products. It's a tremendous step forward and a statement of confidence in the future of Canadian agriculture.
We thank the committee for its time, Mr. Chair, and we'd be pleased to answer any questions you might have.