It's Carsten Bredin with Richardson International.
I think it's very safe to say that we have a strong demand off the west coast out of Canada, and we're maximizing the amount of grain that we flow out of that corridor today. The eastern market through the St. Lawrence and through Thunder Bay definitely has some additional capacity. We're broadening the countries we ship to and increasing our market access, not only through the eastern ports but also for some of the lower quality wheats. The Asian market is for more of a high-quality wheat. Under the old rules, we cannot access the European market today with some of the lower quality wheat. This agreement will allow the tariff for the lower quality wheats to drop over the years.
It's not going to be instantaneous. The quota was increased from 38,000 to 100,000, which is a small increase. The benefit of the 90 euro duty being lowered over seven years really won't come into play until after those seven years, because the market spreads between the countries aren't that large. There's no doubt once we get there it will definitely improve the flow of grain going east and the opportunities to get into Europe.