Thank you, madam.
Agro-100 is one of 46 different companies that operate in Canada at various levels in communities and on a national and international basis.
We don't know because it's going to be up to individual companies to try to take advantage of the opportunity of exploring the market in Europe. The thing you have to understand about a free trade agreement is that you don't know what's in a room until you open the door. With this opportunity, our companies will look at it. They will look at their product lines. They'll look at the markets. There'll be discussions.
The other thing we should be aware of is that the fertilizer industry in Canada also imports fertilizer, particularly in eastern Canada and Quebec. This will be opportunities for European companies to bring products into Canada that could benefit Canadian farmers.
Trade agreements, when they work well, are two-way agreements. Some of our members, such as Yara, which is based in Europe, are major players in the Canadian fertilizer market. They import a lot of product into Quebec and other parts of eastern Canada. We see that this is a two-way benefit for our members to be able to export and also for farmers to have access to different products from Europe.