There's a multitude of things, but clearly value-added is a major.... To be clear, around this committee we probably know, but just to put some of this on the record for the folks, you do actually export a lot of oil, not just the seeds. I don't want to leave people with the impression that somehow you're selling canola seed, as much as you are doing that, but you sell canola oil. You actually do have crushers in the Prairies. You talked about how you established that for rural communities and helped build an economy.
From those particular pieces, because value-added is obviously an important component to the economy and you pointed it out here, do you have any sense of...? It's not about using a crystal ball, because sometimes you have to forecast, but with this deal, do you have any sense of what those numbers might look like in the future? I know you had projections of what you see in the future. Now that this deal's on your horizon, has that changed the projection of how much perhaps gets planted?
I guess to Mr. White the question would be, depending on Mr. Everson's answer, if it's a positive one, do you see the ability to actually plant that number of acres, if indeed that's the amount we want to do? We've got a lot of acres planted as it is.