Yes, we do, actually. We've just been mining the census of agriculture for some of that. As I said, I just came from a production conference last week on the east coast, for mostly small mixed farms. What was striking was they had a child care program. I can't tell you how many people they had in the room under the age of 30. It was really incredible. What we are seeing is that organic farming is attracting a new generation of farmers. What the data shows us is that while 8% of farmers in Canada are under 35, 12% of organic farmers are under 35.
As we all know, the farm age is not approaching a crisis yet, but we're definitely seeing the farming age getting older and we worry about succession planning in farming. Farm operators are generally 55 years or older. That's about 48% of the total farms in Canada, so about half; in organic it's about 40%. There's about a 10 percentage point difference. What we see is generally a younger farmer.
That brings its own pressures, though. It means there are a lot of new entrants; a much higher need for knowledge transfer; a need sometimes for some infrastructure supports as they're maybe not inheriting the farm so much as starting a new farm. It has its own complex mix of issues with it. It's a very positive message as well that there are many new farmers coming to organic and looking at organic as an opportunity.