Thank you very much for the question.
The Asian markets are all important. We're more and more in demand in Asian markets as their economies grow and their middle class has more income, and so on. I think that growth in China and other Asian markets is really important to our future.
We sell all of our products to China. We sell seed, oil, and meal to China, but most substantially seed. We are doing more sales now in oil and meal and those higher value-added products, which is a good thing. I'd say that in 2012 our sales to China would be close to $3 billion when you combine seed, oil, and meal.
In terms of regulatory issues, a number of issues in our relationship with China are a challenge. We have an issue around blackleg in our seed, which is a disease in Canadian canola. They are concerned that this disease will be transferred from our canola crop into their rapeseed crop. They are large producers of rapeseed in China too. We're working very closely with their regulator and their policy-makers to ensure we can put in place mitigation efforts so that we don't have that issue. That has been an issue that has caused disruption in our trade and uncertainty for our traders.
Currently, there's a challenge in getting some of these GM traits approved in China. Just as we were saying about the European situation, China is a factor there too. It takes a long time to get new traits approved in China. We're working with the Chinese on how we can improve that process. It's an ongoing effort. We are more reliant on that market, and it's a market where there are some market access challenges.
Our recommendation to the committee is that we need a lot of engagement with China. We're pleased to see that the ministers are there on a regular basis and that we're engaging with the Chinese government at the highest level.
At Agriculture Canada, we have three separate committees that are working with China. That's really important for us in terms of technical engagement. The more engagement we have, the more understanding we have with the Chinese market. It's important for us.