No, I think this is unfortunate that we have such limited time and we scrambled back here to make sure that we had time to hear from our witnesses that have come. We don't have all members here to vote on it, so I think it would be inappropriate. We still haven't heard from the minister officially, but having spoken to the minister privately, I can tell you that the minister has assured me that he has not instructed nor would he really view the involvement of this committee as helpful at this point with regard to Growing Forward 3. As a matter of fact, he was very clear that until he knew what the provinces were going to allocate in terms of budgets, it would be unlikely that we would have anything to contribute from this committee.
I think it's an unusual thing. It's unfortunate. I'm hopeful that we can defer this motion to another time so that we can hear from the witnesses, get their testimony on the record at least, and then proceed back to the House when the bells start to ring, because we do know that they're proceeding.
It's interesting that we have games going on in the House to limit debate and limit the ability for opposition members to have their voices heard. We don't want to do that yet here in this committee today, and it would be disturbing if we had the conduct of the House now come over to this committee. I would ask that the honourable member withdraw the motion for the time being, so we can have a robust debate about this at another time and be able to hear from these witnesses. These witnesses are here for a short period of time. We have a very limited period of time to hear from them. If we could proceed with their testimony, I think that would be helpful.