Mr. Chair, that's the disturbing thing. We have members across the way saying to just stop talking. It was those same members last committee who were telling my colleague in the NDP that it was inappropriate that she moved a motion during the hearings. Now today, they've done the same. I'm disturbed, Mr. Chair, not only because they've done this, but now they're telling me to stop talking.
They're doing that in the House right now. They've now allocated a day for a debate on an important and substantive bill. They've talked about being open and transparent, being welcoming to the views and opinions of others, and yet what we have is members are now chastising us, telling us to quit talking and to quit supporting our agricultural producers across the country who have asked us to bring other issues to the floor.
If this motion passes, let's be clear. The Liberals have talked about having 20-some meetings that would take the entire rest of this session of Parliament for this discussion. We have issues of grain transport. Provisions of Bill C-30 will expire in the summertime. On August 1, when Parliament is not sitting, those provisions will expire. Farmers and shippers have asked us to call on the government to extend those provisions. If it is the Liberals' intent to stop us from having a discussion and supporting our agricultural producers across the Prairies who have demanded and asked for us to bring this conversation forward, if we're going to hear again and again to quit talking about the things that matter to farmers, well that's disturbing.
We're seeing them engage in those behaviours in the House. They decried the procedure in the House to limit debate in the last Parliament, but in those cases, there had been five and six weeks of debate sometimes and then there was a procedure to move to the vote. Now they're shutting down debate after a single day on a substantive and a comprehensive bill. What we're seeing again in this place is they're saying, “We're going to move this motion, so quit talking, because we want you to talk about nothing else for the rest of this session of Parliament”.
Well, I'm going to talk more about grain transport. I'm going to talk about the necessity of passing the TPP and addressing the concerns of agricultural producers. I'm going to talk about diafiltered milk. I am going to talk about the things that producers are asking me to talk about. I'm going to talk about the necessity for labour supply in slaughter facilities. I'm going to talk about building supply chains that support our agricultural industry. I'm going to talk about the things that farmers have asked me to talk about, and if the Liberals want to shut me up, I think what they're going to find is that I'm going to talk even more and defend farm families who are depending on this side to educate that side, apparently, about the priorities that the farm families have.
What I would ask is for the Liberal members opposite, rather than telling us to quit talking, to embrace our conversation, embrace the needs and the desires and the expectations of farm families across this country and do some heavy lifting and do some good work to ensure that farm families have the support that they need from their government and from the minister.
We as committee members have an important and great role to play. We have the opportunity of bringing forward concerns that farmers have asked us to bring forward. This motion would limit debate on all of those things for the rest of this session. There are provisions and elements within industry, which affect farm families, that cannot wait for months and months while we debate a program on which we have been told by the minister that we will have next to no say.
So, if we're looking for busywork, this is exactly what the Liberals are trying to pass. But I will not shut up. I will continue to talk about the things that farmers and commodity groups have asked us to do. The more that they tell us to quit talking, the more we're going to talk.