Basically you're looking at an industry in which the seed is about three-quarters of a billion dollars, so it's substantial. It's not small.
Australia was the poster child for the development of this industry. They started back in the 1960s. When GlaxoWellcome or GlaxoSmithKline was first interested in growing poppies, they wanted to grow them in Europe, in the U.K., and the climate was too wet, so they went to Australia. The mainland wasn't interested but Tasmania said, “Pick me, pick me”, and it became a state industry for the province. It has been a huge success, and in the last three years, they have actually expanded production of poppies from Tasmania. They are now growing in three more states in Australia as well.
They produce over 50% of the alkaloids used for pharmaceutical production worldwide, but from the seed perspective, their seed is also going in—and in fact the bag of poppy seed bag that's been going around is probably poppy seed from Australia. We'd like to change that though.