Yes. If I talk to you about Cannabis sativa, that could be hemp or that could be marijuana, but we have regulations for those, for both. If I say that, you will ask, “Well, is that hemp or is that marijuana?”, because the regulations are different.
With poppy seeds or poppies, the way the government has established it now is that it's the opium poppy. If I'm talking about a variety that has fewer than 150 parts per million of morphine, that's considered the same as a pharmaceutical variety that produces 2.5% morphine, yet there's no difference in jurisdiction.
When we speak with the Office of Controlled Substances in Health Canada, the response we always get is, “The regulations say 'opium poppy'.” We say we're not the same. They're comparing apples and oranges, but they say, “Well, that's what's in the regulations, so that's all we can do.”