What we can speak to most directly is direct service for mental health for farmers. All the programs that assist producers when it comes to their financial world are very important. That is one of the primary issues that we hear on the line. It often has a financial seed that impacts the rest of their lives: their family life, their health and their well-being. Anything that can assist producers in weathering those financial storms and the ups and downs they go through is really important.
We're really not on the production side of things. We're on the human side of the equation when it comes to supporting producers, so we've come here today to talk about the fact that programs like ours work. We know we are reaching farmers where they're at. The fact that we have trained farm counsellors is really important to our callers and our chatters. We wish we could do more in terms of our hours of operation and offering texting support and in-person support if that were possible. Those are some gaps we've identified.
I'm not sure if I'm answering your question properly in terms of the role of FCC. All those lending institutions are important to our producers. Anything that can reduce their financial stress is important.