That's the thing. It's an important question, because to say that any program starts at the federal level, when you know that you need the resources in very rural areas, there are a lot of layers in between to make that happen.
In the funding, FCC has stepped up, but in terms of the mental health first aid, the feed sales people and the machinery dealers, those people, need to be able to recognize the signs of distress on the farm, because they're the people who are there on a regular basis and may see a perfect example with the migrant workers. The person who interacts every day has so many things on their mind that they may miss those signs, so it's the people on the ground who interact who need training.
As I said, I don't have an easy answer for that, but it's making sure that we don't announce some gigantic programming and spend all the money promoting the program. We need the resources to be in the communities.