Yes, it'll be interesting to see what the dollar figure would look like. Obviously, that's important information when we talk to farmers that are looking for this protection. They'd like to know their cost of credit, how you're assessing the increase, the ability to get credit, and how that would change if, in fact, something like this were to be implemented.
Any time we're doing business with the United States, when we have freer trade as we look to freer trade, the challenge is that our farmers are expected to compete with American farmers and the American farmers have this PACA protection. They also seem to be able to get money from the lenders. I guess the question is, how could we better reflect the Canadian system to mirror that of the United States?
The challenge is that we expect our folks to be competitive with the United States, but we don't seem to be giving them all of the tools that the Americans seem to be giving their produce farmers.
Obviously, we have a different type of system. We have both provincial and federal jurisdictions that are incorporated. If there are provisions at the provincial level that need to be undertaken, what would you suggest we recommend to the minister responsible for interprovincial trade to encourage our provincial counterparts to undertake if, in fact, it does fall into provincial jurisdiction? Where do the hang-ups seem to be?