Earlier, you heard me questioning the officials. They didn't have an answer specifically with regard to what the cost might be for producers if these new provisions were included and what the impact would be of the changes that the banks might make. Obviously, the cost for financing might be going up.
Have you talked to the banks at all with regard to this? The people who are usually hardest hit when there's a change in the way the banks operate are the small guys. The most difficult time for any small business to get financing is when they're small, when they're getting started. It seems to me that any change that would negatively impact the ability to access capital would be felt, and it would be hardest felt by those people who are the smallest. They seem to be the ones who we are most interested in protecting in this case.
Has there been any assessment of or any discussion with regard to these changes and how they might impact the ability for small guys to get access to capital?