There are two issues we can speak to. There's recovering payment from an insolvent entity, and there's recovering payment from a solvent entity. Those are two different situations. Part of it would depend on whether the solvent entity that you're trying to reclaim the funds from is in your own province, in another province, or in another country. Each of those would have its own distinct aspect.
Within Canada, there is a deemed trust provision for aquaculturists, farmers, and fishers for the 15 days leading up to bankruptcy or the appointment of a trustee. We do have a deemed trust provision for that essential period leading up to bankruptcy. There is some mechanism by which that is a deemed trust, and essentially, you will get that money back in the case of an insolvency.
With respect to a solvent entity, my colleague may be better able to address that. There is currently an ability to oversee some of those disputes.