Yes. The condition of our grain varied, because we kind of had two harvests. We had our early harvest where the weather was good, the quality was good, and then we had the snow events. Like I said, I was five weeks without turning a wheel, and then, of course, the quality was down.
Now we have two different qualities that we have to market. Each farm markets it individually, as far as that goes. Some people have marketing people hired to do it. I do my own. That's something that in our business we do all the time. It's part of the nature of farming. W do most of our own marketing. We know what are costs are. In my situation, as soon as it gets to where my cost is or above for sales, we'll start marketing. I've even marketed some of next year's crop already, and I haven't even seeded it.
Those are things that we do. As it varies from year to year, I don't know how you could equate that into the shipping. When we market it, we're selling it to a grain company or another entity that will ship it.