Yes, I'll echo that. We really are encouraged with the communications we've been having with the railways. It's really been delightful and enlightening to do that.
By the corridors, that's where we see we don't have enough information. You can ship grain if you take it right off the centre line and get a lot of it shipped in a hurry, but like I was saying, the farther out you're away from the rail line and those terminals, the more you get served last. When I say corridors, that's why we want a wholesale plan showing where it's getting shipped from, to make sure there's pretty even shipment. Like I said, I'm lucky. I'm in the central area where the railway is. I can move pretty easily but some of my farmer friends farther away aren't as lucky.
You were talking about loop tracks and that, and I'm fortunate enough that G3's building a terminal 10 miles from my place. That is the wave of the future on new builds at the moment. There will be something else probably in another 10 years that will help out on that, too.