Thank you.
The other point that was discussed earlier had to do with the loading of grain on the west coast and the concerns about rain and how it affects that. Again, it seemed to be logical. If you're dealing with the feeder holes that are there, you could certainly get the majority, or get the trains, loaded.
I understand the tarping issue, but what I don't quite understand—and I made a note earlier—is this: When looking for a solution to take care of that bottleneck, is it concern about the grain because you don't want it getting poured on, or is it concern about personnel? When the union is looking at it, obviously, its interest and concern is going to be with personnel, not with the product. That's a different issue.
What are the concerns? What are they looking at? Is there a solution, or are they simply saying, “We're not going to be out in the rain”?