In the next few years, three kinds of cars will be transporting wheat on the CN network. First, there is the fleet of cars owned by the Canadian government and that have been around for over 30 years. Then, we have a growing fleet of cars from shippers. Lastly, CN has its own fleet, which is made up of 1,000 cars for moving wheat. All these fleets put together enable us to serve our customers.
At CN, there is no doubt that we need a larger fleet because the crops are getting bigger and bigger. Here is what's at stake. When the loaded cars arrive in Vancouver, they are unloaded into the elevator, but the elevator isn't unloaded into the vessel. It takes more capacity on the Prairies to reload the cars. What is important in procurement is the car cycle. The faster cars that leave western Canada for Vancouver, Prince Rupert or Thunder Bay are unloaded, the faster they can return to the Prairies to be loaded a second time. So it's important to have a fleet large enough to meet greater demand.