With canola, as a perfect example of that, the goal would be to have half of Canada's production domestically processed, because obviously that's the highest and best use economically. We've seen that through the illustration of canola's 10 crushers across western Canada. For instance, in 2013-14, they were doing slightly under seven million tonnes of processing of oilseeds on the Prairies. Last year they did almost 9.5 million tonnes, so there was a 3.5-million tonne increase of domestic processing in Canada.
The other issue there is that if you're domestically processing, and in canola's instance, a majority of that oil would be absorbed into a continental market as opposed to an export market as it currently stands, that's less product you're trying to put through Vancouver or Prince Rupert. It is using a different corridor, so it's helping to diversify that trade profile of our particular—