For my final questions, I'll go to Ms. Loftsgard. Thank you for coming today. I appreciate the efforts that your organization is making to reach out and speak with conventional farmers. I ultimately think we need to stop talking at each other and start talking with each other.
I know that you talked about the high degree of public trust that comes into the organic brand because of your traceability and your accountability. There are measures put into place.
One of the things that our committee recently looked at—and we've had our conversation about GMOs.... During our technology and innovation study, we learned that the new technology that's coming on is gene editing. They're not introducing any foreign genetic material but they're looking at, say, the genome of a wheat plant to see if they can make it more resistant to drought-like conditions, if they can increase its protein content and so on.
When we're looking at public perception and trust and if we're able through that gene editing to produce a plant that needs less input to be grown, I'm wondering what the Organic Association's views are with regard to gene editing. Is there a way for your organization and organizations involved in gene editing to start talking to each other and to see if this is maybe a way forward, a compromise where we can reduce fertilizers and pesticides?