We'll start our second hour of the study on the perception of and public trust in the Canadian agricultural sector.
On our second panel we have, from the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network, Ms. Lucy Sharratt, Coordinator. Thank you for being here, Ms. Sharratt. From the Canada Mink Breeders Association, we have Gary Hazlewood, Executive Director. Welcome, Mr. Hazlewood. We have Monsieur Pierre Labonté, Board Member.
Welcome, Mr. Labonté.
Also, we have Tom McLellan, Former Vice- President. Thank you for being with us, Mr. McLellan.
Finally, from the Retail Council of Canada we have Mr. Jason McLinton, Vice-President, Grocery Division and Regulatory Affairs.
Welcome to all of you. We'll get right to business. You have six minutes each.
Would you like to start, Ms. Sharratt?