Mr. Chairman and committee members, thank you for the opportunity to appear before you to speak within the context of your study on bee health monitoring in Canada. The Canadian Horticultural Council is no stranger to this committee, and as always, appreciates the chance to come before you not only to raise matters of concern but also to highlight successes in this sector.
In the past, we have presented to you on matters such as innovation and the importance of the agri-innovation program, which enables the success of science clusters; Bill C-18, the Agricultural Growth Act, and specifically the provisions of the Plant Breeders' Rights Act, which were so important to us, as well as a range of competitiveness matters.
I had the opportunity to come before you earlier this month to speak about the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act and the critical need for appropriate financial risk mitigation tools for Canada's fresh fruit and vegetable farmers. We appreciate the work that you do and the thoughtful questions that you always have for us.
We represent growers, shippers, and packers from across Canada primarily involved in the production and packaging of over 100 different fruit and vegetable crops from apples to zucchini. I say that only because often people will say to me that I must know a lot about flowers. I don't. I always make sure to identify us as the fruit and vegetable guys.
Our active mission statement focuses on four key words: innovative, profitable, sustainable, and generations. We represent members on a number of key issues such as crop protection, access to a consistent supply of farm labour, food safety and traceability, fair access to markets, and research and innovation. Our mission is to ensure a more innovative, profitable, and sustainable horticultural industry for future generations.
I mentioned successes, and we certainly do have a demonstrable record of success in this regard, which includes the seasonal agricultural worker program, which was established 50 years ago this year due to the vision and leadership of the day. The Government of Canada and the CHC were signatories to the original bilateral agreements with the Caribbean countries, and today nearly 20,000 workers come to Canada to work on horticultural farms for the season.
We also developed and established the CanadaGAP on-farm food safety program for Canadian fruit and vegetables. It was the first Canadian food safety program benchmarked to the global food safety initiative. We are an active participant in a number of value chain round tables, including the bee health round table.
We are one of Canada's largest agrifood industries and our overall objective is to ensure further growth for the sector. Today farm-gate sales with additional processing, supply chain, and induced impacts create an economic footprint of over $11.4 billion in real GDP. We are a key contributor to Canada's overall economic well-being and the health and wellness of Canadians.
I will now shift to the topic at hand, bee health. It's no secret that the agricultural industry relies heavily on both crop protection products and pollinators such as bees. The horticulture sector is an exemplary model of successful coexistence between farmers, production, and a robust pollinator population. That coexistence is an absolute must: no bees, no food; and conversely, no crop protection management products, no food. Apples, blueberries, and cherries are particularly striking examples of this concept. The blueberry industry, for example, is very dependent on pollination. One of our members, Gary Brown, who is the blueberry technical support manager at Nova Scotia's Oxford Frozen Foods, notes that on average they have about 100 million blooms per acre, so bees are very, very important to getting their crop pollinated. When you stop and think that every berry and every apple is the direct result of pollinator activity, that's a lot of busy bees.
I'm not a scientist and therefore will not be presenting to you in that capacity. There are certainly others among the witnesses who can do that far better than I. The Canadian Horticultural Council firmly believes in a science-based approach to topics such as bee health. We rely on research, innovation, and a conducive regulatory environment to bring forward new technologies and chemistries.
Pollinators are an important part of agricultural success in Canada. Canada's horticultural sector is an admirable model of the coexistence that does exist and that can in fact thrive among producers, bees, and production practices. As we heard from one of the previous witnesses, fortunately hive numbers have increased significantly over the last number of years and are the highest they have ever been, according to Stats Canada. In 2014 there were over 8,000 beekeepers in Canada keeping over 600,000 hives. That is a significant increase over the number of hives kept in 2000.
Recent specific incidents of Canadian decline in honeybee and other pollinator populations have generated considerable scientific and public interest. Although a number of factors are seen as potential contributors to these declines, no single factor has been identified as the main cause. It is fair to say, though, that our northern climate and harsh winters may well be the most significant factors impacting bee survival.
Insecticide-treated seeds have been used for about a decade. Farmers choose to use them because they provide valuable protection to crops during the early stages of development. This results in healthier plants and increased yields. But another result is also a lesser need to spray an entire field with an insecticide to fend off pests. Insecticide-treated seeds limit the quantity of pesticide used, provide targeted protection of crops against insects, and reduce the potential of exposure of non-target organisms.
Certainly there's been much attention to neonicotinoids, but they have become an important pest management tool in horticulture, including their use in integrated pest management programs, as they represent an effective means to control targeted insects and pests during the crop production season.
Experts agree that over the last number of years there have been concerns raised both in Canada and in other countries about long-term pollinator health. Canadian and other bee researchers overwhelmingly agree that the main stressors to bees are pests, parasites, diseases, inadequate diet, and weather. The international research community has been working to determine and characterize the impact of all of these factors.
Both bees and pesticides play a critical role in agriculture. Bees pollinate many important crops while pesticides protect the crops from pest, disease, and damage. The plant science industry is committed to ensuring that both bees and agriculture coexist and thrive. This coexistence is possible and aided through increased communication. We've heard of some of the initiatives that are currently under way. They are positive and exciting.
Health concerns in managed bee populations are not unique to a specific province or provinces. Some provinces' problems have been facing beekeepers in other areas of the world, including the United States and Europe. Canada's pest management regulatory agency is also working with a range of organizations, including the U.S. EPA and counterparts in Europe and other areas, to look at the effects and understand and assess the impacts of pesticides on pollinators.
The pest management regulatory agency is also working with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada—as we've heard—provincial governments, grain growers, beekeepers, and the pesticide industry to determine what other options exist that would protect honeybees, including other pollinators and the environment, while allowing for the continued use of seed treatments for corn and soybean. In fact, a recent PMRA report on seed treatment found that the class of products in question did not pose a risk to bee health.
Certainly, pollinator health is a complex issue that is impacted by multiple factors. By focusing exclusively on pesticides, the potential to understand the impact of other contributing factors is being overlooked. Farmers understand that pollinators are essential to having healthy crops. More than half the bee colonies in Canada contribute to the pollination of canola each year. Pollinators are also needed for the production of other key crops, and certainly many of those are horticulture crops. Many organizations have collaborated to develop best management practices that are realistic solutions for growers to follow to help protect pollinators during spring planting season.
In August 2013, aTime Magazine cover article put the critical importance of honeybees and other pollinators into a meaningful, everyday context. You can thank the western honeybee for one in every three mouthfuls you'll eat today. Canadian horticultural producers know that there is a need for both crop protection products and pollinators. The loss of either can have devastating consequences for the industry and also for consumers.
Some of our members are the biggest clients of commercial beekeepers in the country. In fact, one of the big issues, particularly for the horticulture sector, is the lack of available bees for pollination. One thing is very clear, and that is beekeepers, horticultural producers, and other stakeholders are working together to find a fair and reasonable solution that meets the needs and protects the interests of all parties affected. Our sector is fully committed to doing so.
In closing, growth opportunities lay ahead for both producers and beekeepers. Colony numbers continue to grow and demand from our industry is also growing, so a healthy industry is essential. It looks like we are collectively on target to achieve this.
I have no doubt that the commitment from each, as well as from the other relevant stakeholders, will ensure the opportunities are realized as we collectively and collaboratively focus on real strategies to grow the industries.