Your questions are extremely interesting. Certainly they have been of grave concern to me, as a Canadian, for a long time. I think we need to somehow take the parties with agendas, particularly the profit-motive agendas, away from being in charge of research that is of societal importance, and certainly the insecticide question is of great societal importance.
We have gone through a long period when people like me, who have wanted to do research perhaps involving pesticides and pollination, have not been able to get the funding because the industry doesn't want the answers to the questions, frankly. The policy within NSERC, and also at the provincial level, has more and more gone that in order to do the research, you should have industry buy-in. I don't oppose the industry buy-in. I've benefited from that myself. Four private companies have been spawned from my lab, so I certainly appreciate the private sector. At the same time, it has gone to the extent that it is almost impossible to ask objective questions, in an objective way, with the current research policies in Canada. I think there needs to be a disconnection made there in order to get back to some objectivity.
I think that is the big problem. Asking the difficult questions is difficult. They're difficult questions, and so is getting the answers. But if the industry takes it.... I have worked with industry scientists. I take a question to them and they say, “Yes, Peter, we would like to get an answer to that.” They take it to their policy and legal people and hear, “Oh, no, we don't want an answer to that question” because it might have repercussions on their image and profitability, if the answer comes out in a direction they would not like. That is certainly a problem.
In Canada we have additional problems, because most of the companies involved with these sorts of things are multinationals. Canada is really at the mercy of the U.S. and of the international headquarters. We tend to be on the bottom of the totem pole.
I think a number of things like that need to be addressed at the policy level. I'm not a politician, and I'm not really a very good diplomat either, but I think that's certainly one of the ways in which we need to get at some of the pesticide issues and perhaps some of the other issues that might have more implications where the private sector is having undue influence.