There is a difference between pork and live pigs. The pork products are governed by CFIA and all the regulations. We import a significant amount of pork from the United States as well, and there are long-standing trade agreements on that.
All our live animals in Canada have to have certificates of health when they go down there. Very few live animals come back from the United States. The only ones I know of are breeding stock through genetic companies, and they have to go into a quarantine period before they are released to farms.
At this time Canada doesn't import live animals from the United States for processing, that I know of. It makes no sense anyway to ship them here. They make more money processing them in the United States.
In terms of our transportation regulations, CFIA is in the process of changing the regulations, and one of the issues we have to deal with is the washing of trailers that come back from the United States. In Manitoba we've instituted a hog transportation program using our marketing regulation, whereby all trailers coming back from the United States have to be properly washed and disinfected at certified wash stations. Our problem is that we don't trust the wash stations in the United States to do that at this time. There is no certification program down there.
Currently trailers going to slaughter plants can come back into Canada as long as they've been scraped down. Our regulations will preclude that. All trailers coming back will have to be cleaned and disinfected at proper wash stations in Manitoba. It only applies to Manitoba. The regulations for other provinces have not been changed.