Unfortunately, there isn't a lot of research out there for this virus. It's currently being done. We have reached out to folks in China and some of our customers in different areas to find out what has been done that we may have access to. It isn't clear exactly what will work on African swine fever.
What I can tell you is that I've been in this industry eight or nine years, and I've never seen closer alignment between some of the government agencies and industry, and the willingness to do what's required to make sure we are prepared for this and that we are good to go if it ever shows up.
The opportunity in front of us is to fund that research in Canada around ASF and rapid testing, and to look at the [Technical difficulty—Editor] for the industry. There are steps in the current plans that I think take too long that could be resolved between industry and government [Technical difficulty—Editor], therefore, shorten that risk.