That's a very fair statement. I think most producers are at least at the cellphone stage, not all. I think the capabilities of technologies now would be that, when a producer markets his hogs, whether they're from one barn to another, or straight to a processor, or even to another province, that the technology is there.
Ontario Pork has built a platform above PigTrace, we'll call it, an interface that allows our producers to submit their information through the AgManifest platform, which then provides it to PigTrace. That allows for a couple of things. It also allows for producers to use that data in their own management of their farms.
The part that we're trying to add right now is what we call an annex 4, and that's a requirement. The CFIA has done a great job on protecting our international markets. Some of our customers demand that we don't use a certain product called ractopamine and, in order to assure our customers of that, we need to fill out this paper, annex 4. We're in discussions with CFIA right now to make that an electronic signature to facilitate better movement of information.