I now want to move to transportation, quickly.
In terms of the transportation of livestock, there's 99.6% compliance. It's like the front-of-package labelling.
Mr. Komal, I was surprised to hear you say that that given that we are an exporting nation, we actually need to make sure, in terms of our transportation standards.... Yet we're going to put front-of-package labelling on many of our cuts of beef and pork, and on our dairy products. It seems to me that if we're going to be an exporting nation, we have a conflicting message here. To our consumers in Canada, we're saying, “Oh, be careful, this is not healthy. This is not good”. But we're going to send delegations around the world, through our free trade teams, saying, “Listen, we've got the safest food in the world. You should be buying it.”
Is that not a contradiction, in terms of policy, for the government?