I'm André Flys. I am vice-president of the Ontario Beekeepers' Association, as well as a commercial beekeeper here in Ontario. The Ontario Beekeepers' Association thanks the chair and honourable members for inviting us to present to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food.
The Ontario Beekeepers' Association, or OBA for short, is an agricultural association incorporated under the Government of Ontario's Agricultural and Horticultural Organizations Act. Our mission is to ensure a thriving and sustainable beekeeping industry in Ontario. To that end, we support honeybee health research, promote the value of Ontario's honey, and deliver practical training and information to Ontario beekeepers.
While Ontario's honey production, at $33.9 million, represents only about 15% of the value of Canadian honey, Ontario's beekeeping industry plays a significantly larger role in the pollination of Canada's fruits and vegetables. Fully 37% of Canada's produce is grown in Ontario. More than any other province, Ontario's honeybee industry is not only responsible for much of the fresh food that Canadians eat, but contributes nearly three-quarters of a billion dollars to the Canadian economy through the pollination services we provide to Ontario fruit and vegetable growers, and to the blueberry and cranberry growing regions of Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island.
The OBA accepted the opportunity to present to the Senate Standing Committee on Agriculture and Forestry in 2014, and appreciates the progress that has been made following the committee's report and recommendations last year. We particularly appreciate the fact that the PMRA has discontinued granting conditional registrations to new pesticides. However, there is still much work to be done.
In the spirit of collaboration and the importance of managed and wild pollinators, the OBA submits the following comments and recommendations for your consideration.
Number one, now is the time for the Government of Canada to take a leadership position on systemic pesticides. The much publicized threat from the overuse of neonicotinoid and other systemic pesticides has not abated. This year, reports of bee kills in Ontario have continued at the same rate as last year. Canada must step up its efforts to significantly reduce or eliminate improper use of pesticides as a preventative measure. Our food security depends on a reliable and viable source of insect pollinators.
PMRA has stated that they will evaluate the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's position when making decisions on pesticides. However, the EPA action or non-action should not be the primary determinant of decisions relevant to Canada, particularly when the EPA is under such intense pressure from the agricultural industry and is under threat of disbanding from partisan forces.
Number two, we are asking for an independent panel of bee health experts to provide oversight for the review of all systemic pesticides. Pesticide manufacturers have pushed new systemic pesticides into the pipeline in reaction to restrictions on the use of neonicotinoids in Europe and some North American jurisdictions. In some cases, they have been granted restrictions after the cursory public consultation. The criteria for new registrations refer to LD50, based on short-term exposure to pesticides. Substantial evidence now points to chronic exposure from systemics as a major cause of bee mortality.
Even low concentrations can put bees at risk. Neonicotinoids are thousands of times more lethal to bees than older insecticides like DDT. Research shows that bees experiencing sublethal effects encounter complications such as changes in foraging behaviour or delayed development. As well, it is important to stress that neonicotinoids are not separate from other problems facing honeybees, such as varroa, viruses, and nutrition. Exposure to these pesticides make other problems worse by compromising the bees' immune systems, reducing navigational skills, and destroying habitat.
Ontario has been particularly hard hit by the overuse of systemic pesticides. Since 2007, coinciding with the extended use of neonicotinoids on soy and corn, Ontario beekeepers have lost an average of 30% of their colonies each winter, compared to an average of 15% prior to 2007. However, this does not reflect the full impact.
Colonies weak from exposure to toxic pesticides cannot recover from winter damage. Ongoing exposure to even sublethal doses causes colonies to decline throughout the spring, summer, and fall. Bee losses now have to be assessed year-round. Despite these losses, Ontario beekeepers have managed to maintain their inventory by purchasing queens and bees, and dividing surviving colonies. However, these hives are less populous and less productive for the season. As well, the additional cost associated with this practice erodes the ability of beekeepers to make a living.
We need to trust that our regulators have the scientific capacity to conduct independent assessments. We urgently call on the ministry to support Health Canada and Environment Canada to revamp PMRA and the process for assessing and approving pesticides. We need a systematic approach to assessing pesticides that is open, transparent, and independent of industry.
Number three, Canada must maintain the policy of a Canadian border closed to imports of U.S. bees into Canada. OBA supports the conclusions of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's most recent assessment that stated, “There is still a high probability of introducing diseases and pests into Canada due to importation of honeybees from the continental United States.”
Specifically, we are most concerned about three areas.
One is Africanized honeybees. The CFIA considers Africanized honeybees a threat to public and animal health, as well as to the Canadian beekeeping industry because of the significant impact on productivity and potential trade issues with live honeybee material. The introduction of Africanized bees could serve to dilute, if not destroy, the generations of non-defensive, productive honeybees bred by Canada's beekeepers.
Two, American foulbrood is a worldwide bacterial disease of the larval and pupal stages of bee development. Treatment with antibiotics will destroy the vegetative bacteria, but it will not kill the spores. According to the CFIA, American foulbrood occurs in the continental United States and Canada; however, strains resistant to oxytetracycline or antibiotic treatments have been widely reported in the United States, leading the CFIA to consider the import of U.S. bees a potential hazard.
Three is treatment-resistant varroa mites. Although varroa mites are widespread in both the continental U.S. and Canada, mites resistant to fluvalinate and amitraz are present in the United States where there is an intense migratory beekeeping industry with no interstate controls on honeybees. Given the prevalence of varroa mites in colonies, it is reasonable to expect that imported bees will carry varroa, including those resistant to miticides.
We believe that opening the border to the U.S. bees will compromise the stability and future sustainability of the beekeeping industry in Ontario and other provinces. We agree with the risk assessment undertaken by the CFIA in 2013, and see no reason to reopen this issue.
Number four, we call on the government to reassess the mandate and mission of the bee health round table assembled by the former minister of agriculture.
Although Ontario has the largest number of beekeepers in Canada and the highest rates of bee mortality due to neonicotinoid pesticides, the OBA was excluded from the round table while seats were given to representatives of the agricultural chemical industry and to the Grain Farmers of Ontario. In addition, environmental NGOs have also been left off the round table, despite their knowledge and expertise in the area of non-managed bees.
We believe a reconstituted round table that reflects the full range of societal interests and expertise would be more likely to chart a positive and long-lasting course for bee health in Canada.
We believe our recommendations support the ministry's mandate “to help Canada's agriculture sector be innovative, safer, and stronger”. When it comes to “safer”, we include pollinators, the environment, Canada's water supply, and our food system.
On behalf of the Ontario Beekeepers' Association, I thank you for this opportunity to present to the committee, and I welcome any questions.