Yes, absolutely.
Maybe I'll preface my answer by answering your first question about whether we should be concerned about the bees and whether losses are a problem across the country: yes. Over the last nine years across Canada, we have an average rate of loss of 26%. Some of the more acute losses have been documented in Ontario. Just to get back to your first question, then, yes, honeybee health is an issue across the country, and I don't think there would be a beekeeper across this country who would argue that.
Perhaps to get to your native bee question, sure, there are many more species of native bees across Canada and in all parts of the world than there are honeybees. Native bees certainly contribute towards agricultural pollination. Their density and abundance are very dependent on the local flora in an area and in crop margins.
One way of thinking about it is that with the way agriculture is managed in most of the developed world, the honeybees are sort of our go-to managed pollinators. Those are the ones we domesticate most readily and that we move around most readily and can place most readily on crops to achieve the degree of pollination we need on most crops, but not necessarily all.