Sure. Thank you for the question.
With respect to bee health writ large, I really can't speak to that. I can speak to the issue in Ontario and the link to corn and soy.
Beginning in 2012 we started to receive a large number of incident reports indicating bee mortalities at bee yards. They seemed to be adjacent to corn and soy operations. With respect to Ontario, we've made a link between those operations, neonicotinoid pesticides that are used to treat the seeds, and the emission of dust that appears to be contaminated with those pesticides. We've put in place measures to try to reduce the dust, and we've seen a concurrent decrease in the number of incidents.
There may be a variety of other factors at play as well, but from our perspective, the area of concern with respect to pesticides was southwestern Ontario and Quebec. We've put in place measures, and we're hoping that we'll continue to see improvements in outcomes for bees from that perspective.