—and they haven't conditioned that market to accept it.
We've gone through market acceptance and looked at that. Obviously that's a corporate decision or the designer's decision. We've looked at aspects of the safety side of it and the environmental side.
I think you can see that there are a lot of processes these people go through with lots of expertise and professionalism before that food ever even makes it onto the table.
What do you do then to counter-attack? Maybe you don't. Maybe that's the industry's role. Maybe your role is just to tell us, “You can be safe in knowing this stuff is safe to eat.” Whether it's margarine or fish, or maybe beef somewhere down the road or another product, there's a process that's been put in place to do that. That's where I wonder, when I see organics out there, or promoting organics or natural food....
A lot of people say there are studies and research showing that a percentage of people don't like this or that, but I always say that's just a glimpse in time on that day, and it's showing who's doing the best marketing. Is that a role for government to be involved in, to try to promote one system versus the other?
Karen, do you feel you need to be there?
Andrea, do you think you need to be there?