Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
Good morning to the committee. It's a pleasure to be with you again.
I appreciate the opportunity to participate in this study, and I would like to explain the CFIA's role when it comes to genetically modified, or GM, animals. The CFIA is a science-based regulatory agency dedicated to safeguarding plants, animals, and food. Our work promotes the health and well-being of Canada's people, environment, and economy. The first priority is the health and safety of Canadians.
In the case of GM animals, the CFIA works closely with Health Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada to thoroughly assess that GM products are safe for food, feed and the environment before they are introduced into the Canadian marketplace.
Let me provide some background before I provide a specific example. Essentially, a GM food is one derived from an organism that has had some of its inherited traits changed. This can involve traditional techniques of crossbreeding; using chemicals or radiation to alter the genetic makeup of the organism's cells in a process called mutagenesis; and applying recombinant DNA or genetic engineering techniques, for instance, introducing a gene from one species into another species.
We use the term “novel” to cover products that have not been previously available for sale in Canada such as those produced through genetic engineering. We have a rigorous, science-based assessment process in place to make sure that these products are safe for humans, livestock, and the environment. Typically it takes a company seven to 10 years to research, develop, and test a GM food before it has compiled enough data to submit an application for market access to the Government of Canada. The company is required to submit detailed information to Health Canada outlining exactly how the product was developed. This information is reviewed by Health Canada scientists with expertise in areas such as molecular biology, toxicology, chemistry, nutritional sciences, and microbiology.
GM foods are becoming more common every day and are part of the regular diet of Canadians. GM foods that have been approved by Health Canada have been consumed in Canada for many years and are as safe and nutritious as their non-GM counterparts.
I also mentioned livestock. The CFIA evaluates and regulates all feed ingredients, including novel feeds derived from GM organisms, in the same manner as food assessments.
Any feed ingredient that is new, or has been modified such that it differs significantly from a conventional ingredient, is required to undergo a pre-market assessment and approval before being allowed into the Canadian marketplace.
Now let me address the specific example — AquAdvantage Salmon. This is the first genetically engineered animal to be approved in Canada for use as food for human consumption or animal feed.
The AquAdvantage salmon is a GM salmon developed to promote rapid growth during early life. This was achieved by introducing a growth hormone gene from the chinook salmon to an Atlantic salmon. The AquAdvantage salmon has undergone separate safety and nutritional assessments by Health Canada for use as food, and by the CFIA for use as livestock feed. These reviews both found the salmon to be as safe and nutritious as conventional salmon.
Health Canada and the CFIA conducted the safety assessments based on guidelines developed by the Codex Alimentarius Commission as well as principles from the World Health Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
The CFIA and Health Canada assessments complement a regulatory environmental and indirect human health risk assessment that was already completed for AquAdvantage salmon. Environment and Climate Change Canada in collaboration with Fisheries and Oceans Canada conducted that assessment in 2013.
Following all of the assessments, Canada approved this product on May 19, 2016. However, Canada is not the first country to approve this product for use as food and livestock feed. In November 2015, the AquAdvantage salmon was approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration following that agency's scientific safety review.
Still, the decision to market this product is up to the company. It's our understanding it could take up to two years before the first GM salmon products would be made readily available in the Canadian feed or food markets.
For this salmon, the company has advised that GM salmon eggs are to be produced in a contained facility in Prince Edward Island and then shipped to Panama for growing. Neither the eggs nor the live fish will be released into the Canadian environment.
If this salmon product enters the market, it will need to comply with all Canadian laws and regulations just like any other feed or food product, and this includes meeting standard labelling requirements.
Health Canada requires labelling for food products where clear, scientifically established health risks or significant changes to the nutritional qualities of the food have been identified and can be mitigated through labelling. For example, if there is an allergen present in a food, it must be labelled to alert consumers. In this case, given that no health and safety concerns were identified, there are no special labelling requirements for AquAdvantage Salmon.
However, Mr. Chair, there is a Canadian national labelling standard for genetically engineered foods that can be used when companies choose to make claims. This standard was developed through extensive consultation with industry and the public.
The voluntary labelling and advertising of foods that are or are not products of genetic engineering was first adopted by the Standards Council of Canada in April 2004. It provides guidance to food manufacturers that choose to make claims regarding genetically engineered foods so that they are in compliance with the labelling requirements of the Food and Drugs Act and the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act.
Products can be voluntarily labelled based on the national standard, provided conditions are met and the claim is understandable, informative, accurate, and not misleading. The CFIA is responsible for enforcing these labelling requirements. The decision of whether or not to proceed with voluntary labelling rests with the company.
Thank you again for this opportunity to provide insight into the CFIA's role regarding genetically modified animals.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.