Thank you very much for the question, and indeed, let me also thank you for the kind words with respect to the work on continued trade with China in canola. That's incredibly valuable for the Canadian economy and I think a testament to excellent collaboration between industry and government in getting there, so I very much appreciate your words.
You raised, I think, an extremely critical point about fostering better consumer understanding of just how much care and effort goes in before a product ever even approaches the market. Industry members in Canada have been extremely responsible in relation to the development of GM crops and GM animals. They are encouraged to take part in, and all of the regulators are very open to, what we call pre-submission consultation. Companies avail themselves of that to have a conversation with the regulators about what's in the pipeline and about any issues with what's in the pipeline so that the regulators can be clear with companies about what the expectations are.
In support of business, we also have very clear and comprehensive suites of guidance documents that outline the requirements in order to enable each of the relevant departments to conduct a comprehensive safety assessment. Long before a company contemplates bringing forward a submission, it has the opportunity to get a deep understanding of what data it has to generate. It's critical to understand that the decisions are based on a comprehensive evaluation of data. It's not about whether something sounds like a good idea or a bad idea. We don't have a role in making a judgment in that regard. Instead, we focus on the data that demonstrates the product's nutritional and safety parameters—my colleague from Health Canada can elaborate further on that—and in CFIA's case, that demonstrates that animals fed products derived from it will be able to be successful, because farmers want to buy feeds that work. That focus on a data-driven scientific endeavour in order to provide assurance to Canadians is something in which we take great pride, in the work we do.