It's similar to Mr. Anderson's question, and it's a good one: can the government play a bigger role? I think, as in to my previous answer, that we need to ensure that the regulatory system is as competitive as possible.
These advancements, these innovations, are taking place at such a rapid rate and they're in such unique spaces that you have to keep up with that pace, and it's very difficult at times. There's no question about that, so we have to make sure not only that our existing set of scientists in the four departments in Canada are up to speed on the technology but also that our university system is prepared for that as well, because that's where we're getting most of our scientists who come into those departments and who will become the future regulators. That would be another important role governments could play.
The marketplace is going to essentially regulate itself. You're going to get to a point where these products are going to sell themselves based on their virtues. Right now, I think when you put GMO on it, there is obviously some baggage associated with those letters. There are other words that could be used to replace that. “Precision engineering” might be another term that could be used.
The benefits will outweigh also what is basically a negative image, and the benefits are real. In the case of AquaBounty, for example, you've heard about the benefits: you're able to grow them close to the marketplace, you require fewer nutrients, you can grow them faster, and you can get them to the marketplace fresher. There are benefits to the markets that you're in, but you can also now bring that fish to other markets that couldn't normally have fish as a protein.