I always thought that when you're buying something for the long-term benefit, sometimes the best quality is actually the best for an individual. I'm shocked, quite honestly, at the position taken by Ms. Sharratt and her organization, which quite honestly is funded a lot by Tides Canada and the Sierra Club, which oppose pipelines and any advancement in agriculture.
I want to talk about transparency in terms of being able to get these products ready for market. There's no involvement by the agriculture community. My understanding is that if you can't market it.... Does the farming industry not have any say in what has been produced and grown as a GMO? That isn't what we heard last week, but do they not have any say in terms of when it goes to market?
Look at the Enviropig, for example. It didn't go. It got stopped—actually, the pork producers.... I would suggest that it has a lot to do with market—maybe the naming—and with the market evaluation they saw. Would that have any influence? I'll ask both of you for a very quick response.