Thank you very much. Merci.
There are many steps within the regulatory process that all need more oversight. From seed to table, there needs to be traceability of genetically modified organisms. Even at the experimental research stage, we've seen contamination occur. There definitely needs to be more government oversight, even at the research stage, that includes providing information to Canadians about which genetically modified products are under review.
Once the products are approved, Canadians need to know if the Canadian government actually knows whether they're on the market or not, and if they are, where they are. Statistics Canada could pick up some of that work. Then of course there is the the matter of traceability through the food system, so that from farm to table, that genetically modified organism is traced and labelled.
Then there's the whole question of the regulatory system itself. The system has existed for 20 years. For 15 years, it hasn't been renewed as per the recommendations of the expert panel of the Royal Society of Canada. After 20 years, we have an opportunity. Especially now if we're going to talk about new techniques and new applications to organisms such as GM animals, we have a unique opportunity and, I would say, a necessity to look at the entire regulatory system and what's needed to be up to date.