I think there are programs. As I mentioned, the net-zero farm that we talked about in Alberta is a great example of how APF can help us in the egg industry to become more environmentally friendly. Most of the provinces, if not all, are actually working on environmental policies as part of their egg farmers policy programs, to find ways of having fewer emissions.
In Manitoba, they're working on an ammonia reduction system that gets installed in barns. It's very simple and farmers can operate it. The simpler you make it, the better it works. If you make it too complicated, it tends to have downfalls. So if the APF can be part of helping with some of the funding, as they do now—on my farm, if I want to apply they'll pay for 65% and I pay for the other 35%.
I think those are great opportunities for farmers to hook into those things, because some of these new technologies do cost some extra money and if the farmer isn't ready for that, if there's that little bit of help from the APF that's a great way of being able to attain some of those environmental goals that we're setting for ourselves and setting for our industry.