I can go first. We did touch on some of the strengths in terms of the programs where we would like to see continued investment: the agri-science cluster, support for trade and market access, and market development. Those are really critical areas to maintain the competitiveness of our industry around the globe.
In terms of weaknesses, I think it's always a challenge for the government, which has many competing programs, to come to decisions quickly and to move through that process of supporting industries in a very timely manner. I think that's perhaps as much of a challenge to the popularity and the success of the programs as anything else, because you have a large number of commodities and organizations competing for scarce resources.
I think it's important to remember that agriculture is a high-tech industry. We are a growth industry. People tend to look at agriculture as that historic nice farmer in the field with a pitchfork, but we really are competitive and high tech. Continuing the support in those areas is going to be critical for us.