That's a great question that maybe the pork folks can speak to as well.
We are not as massive as others in the trade or exporting sector. I think we've certainly seen examples in which being able to manage that sort of information and definitively understand where the risk lies does allow the opportunity to reopen borders more quickly. At the end of the day, there's always the idea of a non-tariff trade barrier and any trading country willing to take advantage of it in certain instances.
Again, we don't do a lot of trade in our sector, but the movement we've seen towards exports of late is that the very first thing people want to talk about is your traceability system and your ID program. They want to understand that you have the capacity to manage it. Whether or not they need to see proof that it has been managed is different.
We have a meeting with our Mexican counterparts. We talked earlier about certificates. It took the CFIA seven years to get that certificate, but it's finally been ratified. We'll meet with trading partners to talk about that. One of the key things they want to talk about is our traceability system. They want to understand what it does, how it manages the information, who can access it, and how it can at least zone for different diseases.