I'm going to present something a bit different for you to think about.
From the pulse industry's perspective, it's time to shift the focus away from the farm and onto food. I'm going to demonstrate this through an example.
Take a standard formulation for bread in this country, which uses a 100% wheat formulation. If you re-formulated that bread to use wheat that had been grown in rotation with pulses and replaced 20% of the flour with a pulse flour, you would increase the protein of that bread by 14%, increase the fibre level by 125%, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 23%, all associated with the production of that slice of bread.
Where on a farm, over a relatively short period of time, could you achieve the same type of reduction in greenhouse gas emissions while simultaneously increasing the nutrition associated with a product? It's time that we all start shifting our focus away from what incremental improvements we can see on the farm and towards the massive, substantial, and material impacts we can achieve by focusing on food.