Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
First of all, I thank you, on behalf of the Dairy Farmers of Canada, for this invitation to participate in this very important study on the next agricultural policy framework. I will start my presentation in French.
With me this morning is my colleague Émie Désilets, assistant director, dairy production research, for the Dairy Farmers of Canada. She is very familiar with the current framework so she will be able to answer your questions.
The Canadian dairy sector makes a huge contribution to the Canadian economy. According to the latest study conducted by EcoRessources ending in 2015, Canada’s dairy sector contributes approximately $20 billion to the GDP, and $4 billion in tax revenues, every year, while sustaining 221,000 full-time equivalent jobs across the country. From 2013 to 2015, this represents a 5% increase in contributions to the GDP, a 5% increase in tax revenues, and a 3% increase in jobs. In addition, dairy is either the top or second agricultural sector in 7 out of 10 provinces. Furthermore, unlike other jurisdictions where farmer’s incomes are heavily subsidized, Canadian dairy farmers receive no direct subsidies and derive their income from the marketplace.
The development of the new strategic framework is crucial to our sector. It will of course be difficult to cover the topic in detail in 10 minutes. We will nonetheless be available to contribute throughout the development process.
A number of programs affecting our industry contribute directly to achieving the objectives of the strategic framework, whether market growth or sustainable development. It is clearly important to maintain and indeed increase investments in partnerships with the dairy sector.
I will now say a few words about the AgriInnovation program.
Following a consultation with dairy sector stakeholders, the Dairy Farmers of Canada, or DFC, this summer adopted a national dairy research strategy for the next five years. DFC and its members are currently working to coordinate investments in dairy research and leverage partnerships at all levels to maximize farmers' investments in research, and generate targeted outcomes to advance the sector.
DFC strongly believe that the next strategic framework should maintain the overall government-industry ratio of investment at 75/25 for non-profit organization applicants. If the ratio changes, industry might not be able to compensate for reduced government contributions, which would decrease research capacity and efforts.
In order to maximize the effectiveness of the research continuum, there should be no interruption between GF2 and the next strategic framework. Access to all government and university researchers under GF2 is appreciated. This access has been a key component in maximizing the success of collaborative and multi-disciplinary projects. DFC consider that all types of research and projects that are deemed important to the industry should continue to be eligible and funded under the next program.
Furthermore, it is critically important for DFC to continue to be able to fund randomized clinical trials for human nutrition and health research under the cluster program. Such trials provide the strongest levels of scientific evidence in order to inform clinical and public health guidelines. As these trials are generally longer, very expensive to conduct, and normally difficult to fund under our other funding programs, the cluster program presents a unique and very important opportunity for us in this regard.
Finally, DFC requests that the next APF keep investing to ensure the rapid and efficient dissemination of research results, new knowledge, and new technologies. Moreover, the next strategic framework should be more flexible in terms of the budget and work plan in order to address issues that emerge during the research period.
The role and responsibilities of cluster recipients in the management of the intellectual property developed under the program should be reviewed and better defined.
I would like to provide a few concrete examples of the cluster under GF2.
Canadian dairy genetics are among the best in the world. Since 1988, the total value of Canadian dairy genetic exports, including dairy cattle, embryos and semen, rose from $68 million to $140 million in 2015.
With regard to sustainable development, carbon equivalent emissions from dairy farms were reduced by over 25% between 1981 and 2006 as a result of efficiency gains made on farms. This trend has continued to show a steady decline in GHG emissions from dairy farms of approximately 1% per year.
Research outcomes have resulted in science-based standards for the animal care assessment stream of DFC’s proAction program.
Milk products, regardless of their fat content, do not increase cardiovascular risk. In fact, a growing body of evidence indicates that milk products are associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. These are some concrete examples of the investments made in the research cluster.
I would like to say a few words about the AgriMarketing program. I mentioned the proAction initiative, comprises six modules: animal care, food safety, traceability, biosecurity, and the environment. It is an on-farm sustainability program launched by DFC to foster more innovation and improvement within the dairy industry, as well as to build and maintain public trust. The Canadian dairy industry is unparalleled in the quality and safety standards that are rigorously set and adhered to by all our farmers.
Some components of the proAction initiative are administered under the assurance systems stream of the AgriMarketing program of GF2. DFC will be reapplying for funding for the continued development and implementation of proAction under the next APF.
This kind of program requires some flexibility in order to adapt to market conditions. In addition, DFC strongly recommends that AAFC reduce the approval delay period for projects falling under the AgriMarketing program, and offer bridge funding between GF2 and the next APF.
With the dismantling of TraceCanada, DFC suggests that AAFC ensure continuous eligible funding for livestock traceability projects, including implementation and operational costs.
Environmental farm plans are also very important to us and we would like to contribute to discussions on their evolution and on the national approach currently being developed.
Finally, since June 2015, DFC has been asking the federal government for an investment equal to 50% of the cost of implementing proAction on Canadian dairy farms. The total cost is estimated at over $200 million in cash outlays and producer time over the next ten years. We believe this would be a constructive way for the Canadian government to invest in a sustainable and innovative dairy industry that could be administered under the next APF.
I will conclude in English.
While DFC's focus in this submission has been on the element of the new APF that directly impacts the dairy industry, as a member of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture, we would like to state our support for each of the CFA's recommendations.
In closing, it's important to say that the government's long-term commitment towards supporting the agricultural sector must go beyond the five-year framework for the AFP. The government must recognize agriculture and the role of dairy as a strategic growth sector.
While DFC considers supply management to be one of the best business risk management tools, the next APF can play a critical role in supporting the investment of the Canadian dairy farmers and making it into a sustainable future for our sector.
There is a need for increased funding for the entire program. However, it is important to know that any increase in funding for a particular stream should not come at the expense of any other program administered under the next APF.
It is critical for the government to recognize the knowledge and expertise of the agricultural sector. If you put the right tools in our hands, we will continue to innovate and lead our industry to a sustainable and prosperous goal.
I know that you all have on your mind a big question about CETA. I just want to let you know that I do not have any information or reaction I can share with you. I will be pleased to take your questions on research, and even on the new logo, if you want to, that we launched this week. I look forward to the discussion.