That's okay.
Certainly, the whole-of-government approach is needed to address this challenge, with leadership, though, from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. That's the ministry that needs to care most about this problem. That's why we want to see this as a priority, stated in an overt way with a clear strategic attack on this through some kind of plan that gets actioned and managed along the years.
It needs to include partnerships with provinces to get into the game of career awareness and continuing the good work of Agriculture in the Classroom at the primary level, of 4-H, of leveraging those best practices into the high schools, of leveraging green certificates and SHSM, those high school programs that exist, and moving that through the college and university experience.
We need to do a better job of telling the good story that as a graduate there are so many jobs waiting for you, but that story isn't being told right now. To go back to the earlier question around how much it would cost to initiate this, I think we also need to ask ourselves what are the risks of not doing this. Right now, primary production is already losing $1.5 billion. Processing is losing almost the same, if not more. We have a real risk if we don't address this. Yes, it will be costly, but there's a huge risk in not addressing it.