Good afternoon, Mr. Chair, and honourable members of this committee. Thank you for inviting me to speak today about Canada's next agricultural policy framework.
My name is Ashley St Hilaire and I am a director with Canadian Organic Growers. I am joined here today by Geneviève Grossenbacher, who runs an organic farm in Quebec and was the vice-president of Canadian Organic Growers for many years.
Canadian Organic Growers is Canada's only national organic charity with supporters and chapters in all regions of Canada. Our focus is on education. We produce a number of textbooks on organic agriculture. We publish a national magazine and host a national organic lending library, and we offer a suite of programs and courses on organic production and the Canadian organic standards.
Organic agriculture combines tradition, innovation, and science to the benefit of the environment and our economy. Organic production systems are becoming more efficient and more productive, and our government has played a big role in improving our techniques through funding of the organic science cluster.
The science clusters are a fantastic program that provides a crossroad for industry and government to partner on research. The funding ratio of 25% industry and 75% government for this program was an achievable cost-share ratio for our burgeoning sector that otherwise lacks consistent funding sources. We have been informed at consultations that the cost-share ratios would change from what they are now to a possible 60/40 government-industry cost share under the new framework. Should this cost share change to this proposed 60/40 split, not only does that put a greater burden on industry to fundraise for Canadian agricultural research, but it incentivizes industry to fund research that only benefits proprietary projects and not projects that focus on public goods, such as sustainability and pollution reduction. Thus, to this committee, we recommend a flexible cost-share ratio that maintains a 75/25 cost share for projects that generate a public good, limiting the 60/40 cost share to projects that only develop proprietary products and techniques.
In the next agricultural policy framework I have also read that the government plans to enhance knowledge and technology transfer. I very much hope this to be true, because the entire $1.1-million budget for knowledge transfer that was included in the organic science cluster application was cut completely. I strongly urge this committee to not let knowledge transfer activities fall to the bottom of the priority funding list in the next policy framework.
Moving to the topic of the organic marketplace, I want to share some facts with you. As of 2015, there were over 5,151 operators with organic certification in Canada. This includes producers, handlers, and manufacturers.
Canada has the fifth largest organic market in the world, valued at $4.7 billion a year; and this is up from $3.5 billion in 2013.
Recent consumer studies show that 56% of Canadians buy organics every week and that 80% of these consumers plan to maintain or increase their organic purchases.
The demand for organics in Canada is increasing at a rate of 16% per year and domestic supply is not keeping pace.
Organics in Canada remain a burgeoning sector still representing less than 2% of Canadian agriculture. However, with the support of our government, we have established ourselves on the global market and have negotiated organic equivalency agreements with 90% of our major trading partners.
You may ask me to provide some trade data on organics. Unfortunately, that is not something I can do at this time because our government rarely segments out organic data from any data it collects on agriculture and trade in this country. We need more data so our sector can continue to measure our success and the success of the investments made by government in organics, and to understand the challenges and risks our industry faces. In the next agricultural policy framework we would like to see organic data segmented out from all agricultural data that the government collects. A good starting point would be to add an organic question to the next census of agriculture.
Returning to the topic of trade, it is important that this committee recognize it is the rigour and reputation of the Canadian organic standards that allows for organic trade agreements to exist. As you know, our Canadian organic standards, which are developed by industry, are owned by the government through the Canadian general standards board, and Agriculture Canada pays $39,000 a year to the CGSB to keep the Canadian organic standards a public resource.
It's important that this committee recognize that the Canada organic brand is owned by the government, and every five years the Canadian organic standards must be reviewed and revised in order to keep them relevant and compliant with our international equivalency agreements.
The cost to do the most recent review, completed just this year, was over $1 million, which included $600,000 in fees to the CGSB paid by the Treasury Board, $300,000 from the agri-marketing program, and $100,000 fundraised by industry. The review process is onerous and time-consuming, but it is absolutely necessary.
Our sector is facing a new risk. We're being told that government funding for our standards revisions will be cut. I must point out that the maintenance of the organic standards held in other countries, such as the United States and the European Union, is fully funded by government.
If our government chooses not to fund the next review of the Canadian organic standards in 2020, this would likely lead to a collapse of the Canada organic brand and would invalidate all our international equivalency agreements. I urge this committee to not let that happen, and secure support for the maintenance of Canada's organic standards in perpetuity in the next agricultural policy framework.
Another important topic to cover is the expansion of the organic products regulations, the legislation that governs the Canadian organic sector and is now part of the Safe Food for Canadians Act. The scope of the organic regulation is limited to food products, animal feed, and seed, but the organic marketplace, in reality, includes many other agricultural products, such as organic pet food, personal care products, plants and flowers, textiles, and a new emerging opportunity, organic marijuana.
That means, as a result of their regulation, that imported non-food organic products are being sold in the Canadian marketplace, while Canadian organic operators are restricted from certifying these same products with the Canada organic brand. A step in the right direction within the next agricultural policy framework would be to work with the organic sector to expand the organic products regulations to include all agricultural products. This was done in the United States and has worked well in creating new domestic and export opportunities for organics.
Why organics at all?
Organic agriculture is an example of a successful clean-growth industry that offers a model for promoting climate-friendly food production and allows farmers to command a higher premium for their products. Organics are less dependent on non-renewable resources and manufactured inputs, and build resilience in the face of climatic extremes.
Environmental services are also inherent in organic production and are well documented. Organic systems store higher levels of carbon in the soil. They promote biodiversity, enhance soil health, reduce pest outbreaks, reduce nutrient leaching, prevent contamination of water, and use energy efficiently. Organics are attracting new farmers to our rural communities, and many of these people are women. On top of this, organic certification uses a third party assurance system that is monitored and enforced by the CFIA.
When you put all this together, you can conclude organics in themselves are a business risk management tool that can help all farmers mitigate against price and input volatility, negative environmental impacts, energy use, and public trust issues. On top of that, consumers in Canada want organics, however our domestic supply in this country is not keeping pace.
The Canadian organic opportunity is waiting on our doorstep, and much more can be done in the next agricultural policy framework to support the organic approach to producing food. This approach spans all sectors of agriculture and goes all along the value chain. That's what makes us unique.
What I've had time to discuss today is only the tip of the iceberg. I can list a few more recommendations that I would be happy to discuss with this committee.
For the next policy framework, we recommend that this government consider developing an environmental goods and services tax credit that rewards and incentivizes environmental stewardship on farms. Metrics measured for a tax credit could include reduction in energy use, increases in carbon soil sequestration, and prevention of nitrogen loss.
We recommend that a revenue-neutral system for carbon pricing be developed that reinvests revenues from agriculture into the industry. These revenues could be used to fund an environmental goods and services tax credit.
We recommend that the government perform a life-cycle assessment and energy audit of the entire Canadian agriculture and agrifood system. The assessment would look at each sector in detail, with a focus on embedded energy use on farms, in transport, processing, retail, and in the kitchens of Canadians.
The U.S. and the United Kingdom have completed the same assessments, which should be looked at as an example for Canada.
We recommend that, in the next policy framework, flexible business risk management tools be developed, which could include and should include comprehensive production insurance for organic operators that recognizes diversified operations. We support the maintenance of the AgriInvest and advanced payments BRM tools. We recommend that public trust programs, should they be included in the next framework, focus on assisting industry and building transparency and assurance systems to better address consumer demand for these pillars of social licence.