No, these are in addition. For example, you're absolutely right that our industry, as has been repeated, does require more investment and support in R and D and capital, etc. Just think about what the government did for the automotive sector—highly automated, efficient, and productive. That was because there was a strategic focus on that sector. So I think that's interesting.
No, the regulations I'm talking about.... There are existing regulations that are an ongoing irritant, for example. It's nothing to do with food safety or exports or anything. For example, there are things called “standards of identity”, outdated recipes. If you want to slightly modify your product with ingredients that consumers want, you can't do that without going through a whole regulatory process. That's not good for innovation.
In addition to that, there's a whole new set of regulations right now on the whole product life cycle of our industry. It has nothing to do with the fact that we need investment in capital and R and D. That is everything from how we make our products, what goes into them, whether it's sodium or trans fat and so on. It's how we package our products. It's the back-of-the-pack labelling and the front-of-the-pack labelling, which are huge changes, and it's how we market our product.
Those things are separate, but it's an unprecedented huge change.