Thank you.
Thank you for inviting me today to speak on behalf of CAFTA, the Canadian Agri-Food Trade Alliance, on the next agricultural policy framework.
CAFTA is the voice of Canadian agriculture and agrifood exporters. We are a coalition of national and regional organizations that seek a more open and fairer international trading environment for agriculture. Our members represent farmers, producers, processors, and exporters from the major trade-dependent sectors, including beef, pork, grains, oilseeds, pulse, soy, malt, and sugar sectors. Together we account for 90% of Canada's agriculture and agrifood exports, about $50 billion in exports annually, and economic activity that supports 940,000 jobs across the country.
I'd like to imprint on the committee today the importance of competitive access to global markets for our export-oriented sector. I'll begin by explaining why agriculture and agrifood matters to the Canadian economy.
Canadian agriculture and agrifood exports make a significant contribution to the Canadian economy. Canadian agriculture and agrifood exporters generate a direct and indirect GDP of $30 billion for agriculture and over $65 billion for food manufacturing. Our sectors represent 352,000 direct and indirect jobs in agriculture, along with 588,000 jobs directly and indirectly in food manufacturing.
The specific contribution of agriculture and agrifood exports in Canada is similar to the direct contribution of entire sectors, such as universities, financial investment services, and art, entertainment, and recreation. It is even much greater than the contribution of the aerospace manufacturing sector.
Our sector is inherently dependent on trade. We are by and large export-focused, as we export over half of everything we produce—that's half of our beef, 65% of our soybeans, 70% of our pork, 75% of our wheat, 90% of our canola, 95% of our pulses, and 40% of our processed food products.
International trade is crucial for Canadian agriculture and agrifood, as 58% of its total value is generated through exports. Over the last 10 years our exports have grown by 103%, from $30 billion to over $60 billion, boosting farm cash receipts by 61% over the same time period. To put this in perspective, 90% of farmers rely directly on exports. One in two jobs in crop production depend on exports, and one in four jobs in food manufacturing, so for our trade-dependent sectors, competitive access to global markets is simply not a choice but a requirement.
CAFTA welcomes the six overarching objectives and the six priority areas of the next agricultural policy framework, but believes that success will require commitments that extend much beyond the mandates of Canada's Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food. Given that CAFTA works solely on trade issues, I will concentrate my remarks on the market and trade priority area of the agricultural policy framework.
Canadian agriculture produces what the world needs and is well positioned to continue to do so, but Canadian agriculture cannot be globally competitive without commercially viable access to export markets. The negotiation of access to foreign markets is an exclusive mandate of the federal government, and this cannot be undertaken by industry. We can't thrive if tariff and non-tariff barriers prevent us from being competitive with competitors who have preferential access because their governments have been better at reaching trade agreements, as is the case with Australia, which already has agreements with both Japan and China, and we don't.
Canada needs to do more to eliminate tariff and non-tariff barriers for agriculture and agrifood through free trade agreements. Agricultural tariffs on average worldwide are much higher than tariffs on manufactured goods. Agriculture also accounts for a disproportionately large share of trade disputes, increasingly with respect to SPS and TBT complaints. While the next agricultural policy framework emphasizes increased global competitiveness and trade, it is critical that resources available to departments and agencies in charge of trade negotiation and resolution of market access issues be increased to levels that would permit these organizations to fulfill their mandates adequately.
I'd like to share with you two of the most significant developments in global agricultural trade in recent years.
First, we've entered an era of competitive trade liberalization in which countries compete for preferential access through bilateral and regional free trade agreements. This even includes countries that are not traditionally known to be free traders, such as Japan.
In this environment, the growth and sustainability of our sectors depends on the timely negotiation and implementation of trade access to the markets that our competitors are also after. Canadian agriculture has already lived through this before, with South Korea, when a billion-dollar market was cut in half virtually overnight as our competitors—the U.S., the European Union, and Australia—had their tariffs eliminated, and we did not. We cannot afford to see this again.
We currently have two of these free trade agreements before us.
We strongly encourage CETA, the Canada-Europe free trade agreement, and we strongly encourage the completion of the respective legal and political processes related to CETA while completing the technical discussions so that the benefits can be realized in the form of commercially viable access for all Canadian agriculture and agrifood exporters.
The TPP is another free trade agreement. Eight out of the 12 signatories have already put the agreement in front of their parliaments. Two have passed it, and Japan passed it in their lower house last week. Canada needs to follow suit, ratify quickly, and send strong signals to key trading partners such as Japan.
Given the uncertainty on the TPP at the moment, it would seem wise for Canada to also prepare for plan B and revisit bilateral talks with countries such as Japan, among others.
Second, the proliferation of non-tariff barriers in agriculture over the past decades has significantly increased the number of market access barriers our exporters face as they try to diversify their export profiles. Agriculture remains one of the most protected sectors in the world. Barriers take the form of import quotas, export subsidies, countervailing duties, technical barriers to trade, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, licences, non-science-based decision-making on the safety of food products, bureaucratic delays, export restrictions, and so on.
There is evidence that TBT and SPS measures have a negative impact on export market diversification and that the contribution of non-tariff measures to overall trade restrictiveness is significant. At times, non-tariff barriers are far more trade restrictive than tariffs themselves. For farmers, producers, and exporters of all sizes, this has a direct commercial impact on export revenues, risk management, and predictability of operations.
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's market access secretariat has a priority list of over 300 foreign market access barriers to deal with. Given the characteristics of the prioritization mechanism, it seems unlikely that many of these issues will be addressed, yet doing so is essential for farmers and producers' businesses.
Our recommendations for the policy framework to contribute to a globally competitive agriculture and agri-food sector are as follows:
First, while the next agricultural policy framework emphasizes increased global competitiveness and trade, it is critical that sufficient resources be available to the departments and agencies in charge of trade negotiations and market access and that resources be maintained to levels that would permit these organizations to fulfill their mandates.
The policy framework should allocate proper resources to the functions in charge of negotiating free trade agreements, specifically the team of negotiators working on trade agreements such as the TPP, CETA, WTO, CJEPA, China, ASEAN, and India, as well as the next generation of future trade agreements. That's both within Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and Global Affairs, which is the department that has the mandate for negotiating international trade deals.
The policy framework should also allocate proper resources to the functions in charge of implementing free trade agreements and maintaining and restoring market access. Typically, once free trade agreements are implemented, multiple non-tariff barriers arise. It is essential that adequate funding be allocated to the market access secretariat so it can continue its critical work in terms of minimizing technical barriers to trade and ensuring real access for our exporters. It must be noted that MAS, the market access secretariat, depends in part on the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, CFIA, to deliver technical support, so proper CFIA resources there would be a component of that resource allocation.
The policy framework should allocate proper resources to the network of Canadian representatives abroad, notably embassies and agriculture trade commissioners. Canada's ability to build a competitive industry depends in large part on how well the country opens doors abroad and builds and leverages relationships with relevant government and industry influencers and decision-makers.
Last, the policy framework should continue to support relevant ministers and senior officials in their activities to build and cultivate relationships at a high level in foreign markets. This is particularly critical to support trade and market development efforts for Canadian exporters in Asian countries.
In closing, our sector encourages a policy framework that expands our ability to competitively market our products in foreign markets. Ultimately, not just farmers and food processors benefit. Communities and urban/rural areas also do better when we have better access to countries abroad.
Thank you.