I think I just got cut.
It's the public trust issue, and part of that comes from a number of areas. Stats Canada will tell us that the agriculture industry, with its primary producers, is one of the most respected professions in Canada. What seems to be developing, though, is that the products we are producing are coming under higher scrutiny. That's being driven by extreme environmental groups and extreme animal rights groups saying that despite all the science and research we're funding and all the innovation the industry is bringing along, nobody trusts it.
We're seeing a bit of that maybe with CETA. The beef industry is having a little trouble with the technical barriers of getting it in. It's more than a little trouble. These sorts of things become a huge challenge.
Dan or Andrea, talk to me a bit about the concern of whether we have the same standards for the products that would be coming from Europe into Canada that we have with Canada's standards, which I think are likely higher, going into Europe and into the CETA agreement, and how we're being challenged on a technical barrier.
How do we overcome that, and what makes that right? That becomes a non-trade tariff barrier, to my mind.