Thank you very much.
About 25% of what we export in soybeans goes to China. It's a really important market for us. We're indebted to the government and the minister for leading this mission to China. It's an important market to go to, and being there with the minister and the delegation is helpful in getting meetings that we need and so on.
China is such an important market for many agriculture commodities, and yet it is such a different place culturally. It is different from a business practices point of view and in the structure of industry, the structure of their trade agreements, and their approach to issues such as sanitary and phytosanitary standards. Because of the importance of the market, it's a place where I think we need to be able to focus dedicated resources. We have good staff at the embassy in Beijing, but a large number of agriculture commodity groups in beef, grains, oilseeds, and vegetables are all attempting to get issues resolved in China.