Thank you very much.
It's good to see everyone.
I'm glad somebody touched on succession planning and the complexities with children. In the transfers, regardless, it's just a very difficult situation that everyone goes through, particularly with the number of transfers that are going to be happening over the next decade or so. One person told me that fair is not always equal, and when you get to the transfer of farms with a number of children, that's likely true.
I want to touch a bit on the access to capital for young farmers. We see the Farm Credit Corporation as a major lender. I'm quite honestly concerned with the amount of debt load, regardless of whether you're organic or conventional, in the agriculture industry.
I wonder if you have some thoughts, quickly, of what we might consider for the long term in terms of the sustainability of agriculture. Should there be a change in markets and/or interest rates?
Paul, I'll start with you, and then I'll go to Tia.